Saturday, August 17, 2013

Yvonne Wallis, Revisited

It has been more than two years and three surgeries since Yvonne Wallis was nearly killed and her daughter-in-law was, by a hammer wielding crazed neighbor.

Since then she has gone through hell with several trips to Seattle for treatment, six months of twice daily absorbing a liter of antibiotic, taken intravenously.

She is doing well now. She is living healthy, looks great and gets regular exercise. She is a new person Partly due to the love the community has shown her. It prodded her out of her recliner with a wish to participate in life again.

Throughout the whole time the community stood with her, donating money, personal services and then her church doing a complete interior remodel of her home.

Today she has another need. Her car broke. She needs a new starter which with labor will run between $200 and $250 to replace.

Her budget, which derives from social security disability, doesn't allow for keeping a reserve for contingencies. I'm asking once again for community support. This time not thousands, but just a little from a few will enable her to shop for groceries and visit her kids. Please if you can, send a few bucks to me in her name.

Yvonne Wallis c/o Herb Huseland, PO Box 884, Bayview, ID 83803.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will sell here a starter at cost.
Victory Auto Parts